Denouncing white violence

The first federal act to restrict immigration, the Page Act of 1875, targeted Asian women. Asians, especially Asian women, have long been tokenized, otherized, and made invisible, both in society and in our educational systems. While the recent spike in violent hate crimes towards Asians can be attributed to the racist rhetoric bolstered by the past administration and their supporters in regards to the pandemic, anti-Asian hate is by no means recent.

We condemn both the horrific murders committed in Atlanta this week, and the problematic media coverage and statements by officials. We notice the stories of the Asian women are absent while the stories of a white perpetrator and victim are detailed. 

We continue to believe in the power of creative and strategic engagement in fueling transformative leadership, especially in challenging times. We renew our commitment to rooting out white supremacy, to building coalitions, and to finding solidarity in addressing the insidious, persistent, and deeply damaging ways white supremacy is maintained.

PSi Faculty
Carmen Torres
Linda Nathan
Sung-Joon Pai
Will Chalmus